Thanks to the inital Duncansdream set up by Duncan Bannatyne, and then after Peterspeople..on Twitter. I have made new followers..and would like to thank you firstly on my blog!
Here I am, a piccie taken on a night out a couple months ago. Just an ordinary woman? Perhaps ....yes, on the outside.....but on the inside - no....so, welcome to my real world!
I'm somewhat random, spontaneous, like laughter - humour makes me smile every day and keeps me buzzing. Probably a little different to most people you may come across on Twitter. Single - but happy, unless a funny handsome man would like to sweep me off my feet...lol
I defy the odds against living with an illness in my system, breathe with someone else's lungs! And almost 4 years, I had a double-lung transplant. I live my life and do everything and more than maybe the average person who simply plods along.
I do all and more, Docs say maybe I can't or may never achieve! I set new boundaries/goals to achieve each year I'm alive. I DO find some things hard, but my determination to succeed pushes me to keep me going. I am stubborn somewhat and sometimes pay for it later, when my body is absolutely exhausted beyond belief. But.....I rest up for aslong as I need to. Then, go with the moto...tomorrow a new day and start again :)
I don't have full lung function even since my transplant, and maybe get breathless sometimes...but as said rest a bit, then off I go again in my own happy world. I do not let anything get me down and live with a very positive attitude!
Grateful to breathe every day - is truly amazing, and something most or all take for granted! I think of my donor every day and hope that person is proud of my last 4 years. Transplantation is NOT a cure, but, an extension for me. I have side effects with my medications now, but just get on with life and don't moan. I may need a kidney transplant too, as the meds eventually affect the kidneys from not working. Rejection may occur, my illness may decide to ravage my new lungs, infections even colds,coughs,chest infections affect me so much and I suffer more than a person who has an immune system. I take lots of meds including immuno-suppressants to help fight for me and keep me tick tick ticking alive :)
I live for today, and don't sit around waiting to do things......I try and set out to travel to new countries, compete in sporting competitions, meet new people - like making new friends, artist, media campaigner, and a little bit insane (in a good way) xx
In a few weeks, I will be going to Sweden to compete against 21 other European countries in the Heart & Lung Transplant Games, then when I return - 6 weeks later in the UK Transplant Games (all organ types). The UK Games, I find more difficult as competing with people, as I call them the kidney girls, who have no breathing issues, and sports no issue. I hope to win medals..hahahaaaa...YES...a little competitive!
But, if I don't...I'm still a winner, as I AM ALIVE!
Well, thats me in a brief outline...so Hello and enjoy being my friend, and likewise I look forward to get to know you too.
Big smiles to each of you. xxxxxx
Yay I love this and ur zest for life is amazing...keep on dancing darling!!! xxx